The theme of the conference is “Bouncing back – resilience in the face of change”.
The theme anticipates that in 2022 as vaccination rates rise we will be living with COVID-19 and trying to “bounce back” from the disruption caused by the pandemic in 2020 and 2021. Family physicians and primary care practices have had to show tremendous resilience during the pandemic and the ability to constantly adapt to changing circumstances.
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With this in mind, we plan to focus on the following questions during our plenary sessions:
- Where are we now with the COVID-19 pandemic?
- What have we learnt about creating resilient primary care practices?
- How do we assess and manage people with long COVID-19?
- What do our patients have to say about primary care during the pandemic?
- What kind of technological innovations have helped us?
- How do we make up for lost ground with key conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, HIV, TB, unwanted pregnancies and mental health problems?
In addition to these key questions, we will have a broad range of parallel workshops, seminars and panels that address clinical topics (e.g. assessing and managing the older person, an approach to people with obesity, learning how to use point of care ultrasound), medical ethics and professionalism, education and training, improving the quality of care and clinical governance, community-orientated primary care, and research studies. We will also have sessions devoted to our special interest groups for private sector family physicians, clinical trainers, newly qualified family physicians (Next-5) and registrars.