Pre-Congress Ultrasound Workshop
19 & 20 AUGUST 2022 | LAGOON BEACH
Thursday, 18 August 2022, Lagoon Beach Hotel, Cape Town
09h00 – 17h00
Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) is a modality that is rapidly becoming a central feature of the diagnostic imaging process in almost all specialties. Its convenience, portability, and ability to image in real time are making it an essential component of the medical examination of the very near future. Not only does it assist to make diagnoses more rapidly, but it also makes numerous procedures easier, from inserting intravenous and central venous pressure lines to pericardiocentesis. This one-day practical workshop will introduce some of the numerous areas relevant to family physicians, in which POCUS plays a revolutionary role.
The workshop will cover the following topics. Each topic presentations will be followed by practical sections on how to use the ultrasound machines based on the presentation content.
- Cardiac and limited compression DVT
- Lung
- Gallbladder
COST: R2,500 per person
(space is limited to 24 persons – preference will be given to those registered for the full congress).
Niël van Hoving is an emergency physician affiliated with Stellenbosch University. He has presented on point-of-care ultrasound courses since 2009 and is an accredited instructor for the basic and advanced point-of-care ultrasound courses for the Emergency Medicine Society of South Africa (EMSSA). He currently serves as one of the Western Cape representatives on the EMSSA ultrasound special interest group. He performs clinical duties at Khayelitsha Hospital where he furthers his interest of point-of-care ultrasound in HIV-associated tuberculosis.
Heinri Zaayman is a recently qualified emergency physician, with an interest in academia and teaching. He is currently appointed as a clinical trainer involved in emergency medicine training of undergraduates at both Stellenbosch University and the University of Cape Town. He performs clinical duties at Khayelitsha and False Bay Hospitals, where he sees the value of PoCUS in the setting of limited access to radiography. He has also been part of the EMSSA Ultrasound training courses over the last 2 years.
Clint Hendrikse is an emergency physician at Mitchells Plain Hospital and Heideveld Hospital and has a keen interest in the clinical application of point of care ultrasound. He is an accredited instructor for the basic and advanced point-of-care ultrasound courses of the Emergency Medicine Society of South Africa (EMSSA). He is a lecturer and joint staff at the University of Cape Town, and his other interests include research development and access to care.
Eveline Baerends obtained her medical degree in 2008. She initially did a training programme in International Health and worked in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal. Afterwards, she specialised in Emergency Medicine in the Netherlands. She moved to Cape Town in 2016 and works at Victoria Hospital since 2017. She has a passion for point of care ultrasound in the emergency centre and joined the Emergency Medicine Society of South Africa (EMSSA) ultrasound special interest group in 2022.
Elaine Erasmus is a specialist emergency physician based at Khayelitsha Hospital and affiliated with Stellenbosch University. She has presented on point-of-care ultrasound courses since 2019 and is an accredited instructor for the basic and advanced point-of-care ultrasound courses of the Emergency Medicine Society of South Africa (EMSSA). She currently serves as one of the Western Cape representatives on the EMSSA ultrasound special interest group.
Hein Lamprecht is a specialist emergency medicine physician affiliated with Stellenbosch University. He chaired and presented on multiple national and international point-of-care ultrasound courses since 2006. He currently serves a vice-chair on the International Federation of Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Special Interest Committee. He performs clinical duties at Tygerberg Hospital in Cape Town and his special interest include infectious diseases, shock and automated asynchronous online ultrasound education.